Category: Uncategorized


What Do Dentists Use to Whiten Teeth?

Many people have heard about teeth whitening kits available over-the-counter for use at home, but few are aware that dentists


What Can I Get Instead of a Crown?

Dental crowns are used to restore the natural appearance of your teeth by replacing missing or damaged tooth structures. The


Is Invisalign Faster Than Braces?

If you have crooked, gapped, and misaligned teeth, you might think getting orthodontic treatment with metal braces mounted on your


How Many Teeth Can a Bridge Replace?

Dental bridges are standard replacement options for missing teeth. However you decide on the most appropriate tooth replacement solution, it


How Do Dentists Do Sealants?

Dental sealants are a clear or shaded plastic coating applied to the pits and fissures of the molars. They protect

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