Most Popular(FAQ) Questions
“Most Popular Questions” explores frequently asked queries (FAQ) across various topics, offering clear and concise answers to help satisfy curiosity and provide quick insights.
Many factors contribute to bad breath, including poor oral hygiene, diet, and plaque buildup, which can be addressed with a dental cleaning.
Teeth grinding may be caused by stress, crowded teeth, or sleep apnea. Solutions include nightguards, orthodontic treatments, or addressing sleep apnea.
A cavity is caused by high acidity in the mouth, allowing bacteria to break through enamel and potentially reach the nerve, causing sensitivity.
Costs vary depending on the type of cleaning, but most dental insurance plans cover two cleanings per year.
Bleeding gums are often a sign of gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) that can be treated to prevent permanent damage.
Dental implant procedures cause minimal pain, especially if post-operative instructions are followed.
With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime under professional management.
Gum disease involves dangerous bacteria building up on teeth, gum tissue, and the supporting bone.
Tooth sensitivity to cold is caused by exposed dentinal tubules, which may result from trauma or tooth damage.
The most common dental emergencies include broken teeth and toothaches from deep cavities.
Untreated broken teeth can lead to pain, infection, and the need for root canals or extractions.
Tooth decay results from poor oral hygiene, sugary diets, and genetic factors, which can be managed with dental care.
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