Oral Cancer Test


Oral Cancer Screenings in San Diego, CA

Most people don’t know very much about oral cancer. Oral cancer refers to any cancer that develops in the inner or outer tissues of the oral cavity. This includes the mouth, throat, cheeks, lips, and neck.Dr. Nasim Saeedi offers oral cancer screenings in San Diego, CA during routine dental examinations and professional cleanings every six months. If you have not visited our dentist near you for a regular examination recently, it’s essential for your oral health and wellness to make an appointment with Center for Oral Health.

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How Do Oral Cancer Screenings Work?

During your routine dental examination, Dr. Nasim Saeedi will assess the condition of your teeth and gums. In addition, the tissues inside and outside of your oral cavity will be examined and screened for any signs of cancer. This includes irregularities or abnormalities, such as tiny sores that don’t seem to heal. If any symptoms of oral cancer are detected, you will be referred immediately for an accurate diagnosis and any necessary treatment. Early detection can lead to positive outcomes for patients.

Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

Thankfully, there are precautions patients can take to reduce their chances of developing oral cancer. One of the most important preventive measures is protecting your face and neck from the sun’s rays with sunscreen, sunglasses, and protective clothing. This includes protecting your lips with sunscreen. In fact, limiting your time in the sun can significantly reduce your risk of oral cancer.

Other factors that increase the risk of a patient developing oral cancer are heavy alcohol consumption and use of tobacco products, including smoking and chewing. Eliminating these behaviors greatly reduces your chances of being diagnosed with oral cancer.

If you have questions about oral cancer screenings near you, contact our dentist in San Diego, CA. At Center for Oral Health, Dr. Nasim Saeedi and our entire staff are dedicated to your comprehensive health and well-being. This is why we perform oral cancer screenings during routine dental exams, to assess the condition of your teeth and gums in addition to the tissues of your oral cavity. Schedule your next appointment with our office today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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